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Spiritual Exploration

Workshops that allow participants to connect to Spirit and to grow.

  • 2 hours
  • donation $5-10/pers
  • At location of your choice.

Service Description

Participatory experiences that encourage each individual take time to breathe, to listen to Spirit, and gain a deeper sense of grounded connection. Ruth thrives in group settings, creating interactive learning and growth through a variety of approaches and tools. Each workshop lasts from 1 -3 hours, and can be designed to meet the needs of your group. Ruth provides everything you need - you provide the group of people. Workshops include: TRANSFORMING OURSELVES THROUGH CHANT This workshop will musically and ritually take us on a journey to ground and center - then to discover what weighs us down or holds us back from transformation - then to use our voice to release and heal - then to find our gratitude. Simple chants, easily learned, create the path for our transformation. STILLNESS AND THE WINDS OF CHANGE The earth is shifting around us. In our own lives, relationships are shifting. Vocation is shifting. Our consciousness is shifting. How can we be still through all the changes? This workshop will include time for centering, reflection and meditation, along with the opportunity to release that which weighs us down. SACRED DRUM CIRCLE Setting intention and using drums and rattles, we will create sacred space together. Calling on each direction, we will connect to the heartbeat of Mother Earth. You can bring your own drum or rattle, or there will be some to share. HONORING THE ANCESTORS An altar created for the Day of the Dead is where people can express their feelings for those loved ones being honored. This workshop will introduce you to creating an ancestor altar, with hands-on activities and learning. SOULCOLLAGE Ruth is a trained facilitator in this creative process of using found images to reflect aspects of our soul - of our life journey. OTHER TOPICS AND IDEAS: -An Introduction to Shamanism -Earth Based Teachings from the Andes -Creating A Culture of Gratitude -Celebrating Solstice and Equinox: Stepping Into The Flow of Time -The Consolation of Nature

Contact Details

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